
Chart Order Form
To request a no-obligation preview of your photo please complete and send the following form or, if you prefer,
 send us your photo and instructions by email or our simple ‘contact us’ form.

Thread Count

Chart size

First, some contact details:

This is the address to which we will post your kit unless you tell us otherwise.

Next, some details about your design:

Not essential but it helps us identify your design in any correspondence

Photos2Stitch will email your preview to you (unless you request this by post).
We never pass on your details to third parties.

Almost there! Now for your photo:

And finally! Select if you would like to receive future offers or are lucky enough to have a discount code already and click on the SUBMIT button. Please wait for the confirmation page after submitting the form before closing or navigating away from this page - photos can be large files and may take several minutes to upload.